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Spend the Right Amount of Time at Every Crime Scene


Updated: Oct 21, 2024

By: Hilary Rodela, Lead Digital Content Writer for Taction USA

You only get one shot at processing a crime scene. It is for this reason, each scene should be thoroughly processed. To do this, the proper amount of time should be taken in order for evidence to be collected properly. Every case differs so there is not “set number of hours” to be at a scene. However, there should never be a rush to get through a scene. Each piece of evidence you find should be properly documented and collected. This not only helps the victim and the case itself, but it behooves you when you go to court. The better you do at processing the scene, the more confident you can be in the courtroom and the more solid your case is. Take the time you need, if an item requires more photos than usual in order to properly document it, then take the time to snap as many photos as you need. Ensure you change gloves before collected various DNA or blood samples, and properly dry items before placing them in evidence packaging. Every minute detail counts when it comes to crime scenes and evidence. Don’t rush and take the time you need. After all, if you were the victim, wouldn’t you want someone to do their best for you?



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