CSI Organization
By: Hilary Rodela, Lead Digital Content Writer for Taction USA
Being a crime scene investigator entails using and storing a lot of equipment and supplies. Most CSI’s have access to a vehicle outfitted with some of these things. Some will have an additional bag of items and supplies such as evidence bags, gloves, swabs, flashlight, etc.
It can be easy to place items back in no particular order especially when you are finishing up a long night on a scene. However, the trouble is then when you need it the next time you will have trouble finding it again. That is one reason it is so important to remain organized.
Another reason to stay organized is so that you do not end up buying supplies you don’t need. Law enforcement budgets are already tight and it is best to buy only what you need. This way there may be room to purchase other crime scene processing items and evidence packaging supplies later that you really need!
Staying organized allows you to take better care of your equipment too. If you always use the same flashlight, blacklight, and so on, you will know when they need bulbs or batteries replaced before you get to a scene and need them. Likewise, if items are put back in their designated spot, they are less likely to become damaged.
Finally, being organized allows you to be more efficient in your job. I had a vest with several pockets that I would wear on scene. It resembled a fishing vest and it was so helpful. I could put swabs, sterile water, flashlight, and more in those pockets. It saved time in many ways. Being as organized and put together as you can will make a difference in your scene experience!