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Be Prepared for Every Scene


By: Hilary Rodela, Lead Digital Content Writer for Taction USA

Being a Crime Scene Investigator is important and unique.  A CSI has a job like no other and sometimes that is both positive and negative. Due to the nature of the job,  a CSI must be organized, precise, cautious, patient, and careful. Once you leave a crime scene you can’t go back. Everything must be done well and right the first time. 

It can be easy to get overwhelmed and want to just get done so you can go home. However, every scene you process deserves your best efforts. Remember, you are there to speak for someone who cannot speak. (More often than not.) No matter what type of crime scene you work on, all should have your full attention. When you are focused and prepared, you will do a much more thorough job. Usually, when a crime scene occurs it is chaos. However, when it is time to process the scene, you must remain cool, calm, collected, and focused.  

There is no telling where or when a crime scene will pop up. But you can prepare for your job as the CSI ahead of time. 

A couple of ways to prepare ahead of time:

  1. Make sure your “go bag” is filled. 

  2. Make sure your vehicle is ready and stocked. 

  3. Prepare yourself mentally. 

Let’s look at these items on the list a little more.

Make sure your “go bag” is filled. 

No matter where you store your tools, evidence collection items, or equipment, you need to ensure that it is all there and ready to go. For instance, when I was a CSI, I had a “go bag” in addition to my crime scene van. The bag was in the event that I just needed to assist detectives with a few items for photographs and evidence collection, not for processing an entire scene. Some items in that bag included buccal swabs, DNA swab boxes, sterile water, gloves, a few evidence bags, a flashlight, and an “L-Scale”. Once I used any of these items, as soon as I returned to the police department I would restock that bag. This helped me greatly when it came to being prepared and ready for the next scene. 

Make sure your vehicle is ready and stocked. 

The crime scene vehicle you have should have all of your evidence collection supplies as well as your equipment and all of that should be in working order. Every so often, I would go and check the equipment in the van to ensure everything I needed was there and to make sure that it all worked. The last thing you need to happen at an active crime scene is to not have what you need or to find that your camera isn’t charged, you don’t have evidence markers, etc. Checking everything ahead of time will provide you with peace of mind. 

Prepare yourself mentally.

Every scene you go to is different, and they always pop up when you least expect them to, or when you are busy with something else. Remind yourself to breathe, focus on the task at hand, and remember that you are there to help. Be ready to “go” all of the time, but there is no need to dwell on that and cause anxiety. Instead, be prepared, calm, and focused. 

Being a Crime Scene Investigator is one of the most unique jobs there is, always put your best foot forward, and be proud of your work. 



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